I know I shouldn't really be complaining seeing as I'm currently writing this from Cyprus with this as my view...

It's strange that the only reason I bought the books was cause I wanted to take advantage of the HMV sale earlier this year. Nothing in the shop was in any kind of order and OCD was beginning to kick in, so I just grabbed the best bargain I could find and left asap. I ended up buying all three Hunger Games books for £5 which I thought was pretty awesome, and added them to the bottom of my 'reading pile.'
I have watched and rewatched the first Hunger Games film many-a-times so knew exactly what was going to happen. Although, I was not prepared for how upset I'd get over Rue's death even after seeing it on a screen (and crying too) more times than I can count. The book, however, makes her death ten times more upsetting and her name is now a new addition to my list of 'fictional deaths I will never get over' - alongside Alaska Young, Augustus Waters and Tom Clarkson *cries* (sorry if I just ruined a book/TV series for you)
Even though I know the film backwards, I was still unable to put the book down and as soon as I'd finished, picked the second one up and began to read straight away.
In my mind, the second and third book (Catching Fire and Mockingjay) have sort of merged into one - the 3rd picks up where the 2nd left off. Without ruining everything for you, all I can say is that they are both the twistiest books ever ever ever! And the second book holds the biggest secret ever ever ever which is revealed on one of the last pages and I have never experienced such a huge twist/secret/suprise before!!!!
In the third book there's a new twist/disaster at the end of almost every chapter; the deaths become a lot more graphic and nearly everything that happens makes you internally scream 'NOOO WHYYY!' But it's still weirdly enjoyable to read.
Whenever I finish a book I just sit there for a while wondering what to do with my life, but it's been a long time since I read a whole series and the empty feeling you get afterwards is even worse! (But still well worth reading the books cause they are amazing!!!!!!)
So err, here's a picture of me looking sad after finishing Mockingjay..
I'm just looking forward to the next films coming out now (ha mainly cause Sam Clafin AND Josh Hutcherson AND Liam Hemsworth will be in them)
I've brought 5 other books on holiday which I need to get a move on with in order to finish them all in 2 weeks! But that should be enough to help me recover from the Hunger Games..although I'll probably become attached to even more fictional characters now!