Recently, I've realised how few pairs of shoes I actually own. According to google, the average British female owns between 25-40 pairs of shoes and I've known many people to have multiple shoe racks and wardrobes dedicated to their shoe collection. For me, my shoe collection consists of 2 pairs of vans which I wear pretty much daily; my trainers which I wear to the gym (haah not that I go there very often) and a few pairs of 'seasonal' shoes like flip flops and wellies. Not very impressive.
A few weeks ago, I found a bag of studs which I bought at the beginning of summer as I was planning to make some of those cool looking shorts that you see all over tumblr, but I never got round to making any. So instead, I bought a pair of white converse during the 'Southampton freshers shop-in' (in short - 20% off everything in shops in Southampton for students for one evening only, meaning it was insaaaanely crowded, but worth it for the money saved!) I then spent most of my weekend putting the studs into the shoes which was an extremely boring task and also very frustrating as it's more difficult than it looks to ensure they're all in line! But anyway, here they are...
~ What they look like on the inside ~ |
I've worn these a few times already as they go with pretty much every outfit. I think the studs add a touch of uniqueness to them and I definitely prefer them to plain white converse!
Now onto the next pair...
Whenever I go to events with smart dress codes, I never fail to turn up in a posh outfit but with a pair of vans on my feet, so I decided now was a good time to invest in a pair of reasonably smart shoes. As I don't go to posh events that often I just wanted some simple black shoes that can be dressed up or down, so on my regular visit to the topshop website, I mixed things up a bit and had a look at the shoes as well as the clothes. I instantly fell in love with this pair of black lace-up ankle boots with gold toe caps...
~ Yes, I wore them to college and despite my best efforts to avoid all dirt, I still managed to get mud on them ~ |
I really love these shoes; they're not something I'd usually go for but I'm so glad I did buy them! They're not as comfy as vans but it's definitely good to wear a different style of shoes sometimes; plus I got a lot of compliments when I wore them to college, always a bonus!
And finally, the last pair of shoes I bought - which only arrived today! You know that one item that you've had your eye on for ages, but never actually bought? Well, these shoes are a pair I've had bookmarked for months (ever since my last visit to Topshop's shoe section, in fact!) and this weekend when I realised Topshop were doing free delivery, I thought I may as well go for it and order them.
I have to admit, I was slightly disappointed when they arrived as they're a lot darker in person than how they were pictured online, but the initial disappointment disappeared when I realised they had shearling lining! It does explain this on the website, but I'd somehow managed to miss this the million times I'd gone back to look at them. I wore them out earlier and they're super comfy and so warm because of the lining so I love them already! Very glad that I finally made the decision to buy them!
I know this was only a small shoe haul, but for me it felt massive! Thinking about it, the last pair of shoes I bought before these was back in January so it was good to finally replenish my collection, especially in time for winter. Which pair is your favourite? Have you done any hauls recently?
Zoe x