~ JCL - The Best Tutor Group!! ~ |
So yesterday was an emotional day as it was the end to 5 years of hard work and studying procrastinating and daydreaming at secondary school.
Leaving school however, meant it was also the beginning to a three and a half month summer break (although it's feeling more like autumn right now) in which I do not have a lot to do - which is one of the reasons why I decided to start blogging. I've wanted to start a blog for a while and now that my GCSEs are nearly over, I thought it would be a good time to begin!
~ Baby JCL - Red Nose Day Back in Year 7! ~ |
One Big Happy (Crazy) Family
My tutor group is definately one of my fondest memories of secondary school; it's difficult for 23 people to all get on well but somehow we did! In most tutors, there are cliques and people only mingle within their own friend groups but JCL was always different; everyone always spoke to everyone and we'd have group discussions, debates and we even had inside jokes between all 23 of us.
We prided ourselves in being the most out of control tutor group - other teachers would always complain about us and we'd spend tutor doing things like backflipping off tables and climbing or shouting out of windows (lazy people like me who did not partake in anything involving standing up would instead cheer them on and record what was happening using phones or ipods) - which resulted in us never winning any of the 'tutor awards' that were frequently given out.
I'm pretty sure that's an award in itself though... the first tutor group never to have won anything?
The craziness continued throughout the 5 years but died down when we reached year 11. And no, that's not because we'd all matured and wanted to focus on our GCSEs; it was because our old form tutor had left us to retire and our new form tutors were a lot stricter (yes, we were that bad that one wasn't enough!) The fact that we had to walk up 4 flights of stairs to get to our new tutor room didn't help either - no one had any energy once they'd reached the classroom!
It was always funny though as I was usually one of the first to arrive so I had the pleasure of watching everyone practically crawling into the classroom, breathing heavily and collapsing into their chairs, complaining about how much their legs hurt. EVERY SINGLE MORNING.
Facebook Photos?!
~ An example of one of the many unfortunate photos ~ |
I signed onto facebook this morning, finding out I'd been tagged in 45 photos from yesterday; so immediately I was horrified and began looking through them all as quickly as possible, begging there were none that were too unfortunate.
Sadly, there were.
Fortunately, I did not have that expression in all 45 photos
~ 'The Cwrew' (yes that extra w is there for a reason) (no I am not going to explain that reason) ~ |
~ One of those awkward photos where you don't know what to do with your arms ~ |
~ My friend dressed up as the joker to raise money for Cancer Research UK ~ |
~ Us 4 call ourselves 'RE buddies' because we all sit at the same table in RE lessons (very inventive name, I know) but I'll really miss our lessons that we just spent laughing hysterically ~ |
~ This facial expression seems to be reoccuring ~ |
Year 11s last day at my school is traditionally a day where teachers and younger students fear for their lives for many reasons including the following:
- Eggs are thrown - anyone other than year 11s are the usual targets
- Water guns are sprayed - again with the same targets
- The fire alarm is set off multiple times - everyone is forced into an area where they could be hit with eggs
- Stink bombs are set off - not a pleasant experience for your nose
- Washing up liquid in the toilets - not fun for the cleaners, or anyone who may need to go
- 200 deranged 16 year olds doing stupid things - many of whom are dressed as if they go to St Trinians
Luckily though, most people's dignity is still in tact, although I think I may have lost mine judging by the photos put on facebook.
I've heard that some schools go crazier than mine on their last day while others don't do anything unordinary on theirs, so let me know what your last day at secondary school was like if you've had it yet. If not, is it something you're looking forward to and are there any traditions for your last day?
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