Hola! (I don't know any other spanish)
In April, I was lucky enough to visit Barcelona on an art trip with my (ex)school where we had 4 packed days of non-stop things to do, places to visit and lots of shopping/eating unhealthily. So here is a quick summary of those 4 days...
It just so happened that the school had been kind enough to book a 7am flight on a Monday morning, meaning getting out of bed at 2am. A group of 20 teenagers running on little to no sleep was not ideal so the Barcelona trip did not get off to a great start with everyone feeling too tired to function. We also had to wear these rather unflattering, neon hoodies for most of the trip and although everyone pretended to hate them, I think we all secretly loved them as they were sooo comfy!
~ Me and Jessie waiting to leave - not looking our best after a 2am start and dressed in lime green hoodies ~ |
Before we'd even had time to unpack, we were whisked off to the first place on the very long 'to do' list, which was Parc Guell. This was a beautiful place which - much to my delight - was full of palm trees. Unfortunately, I was very tired and hungry so spent a while in the cafe and didn't have a lot of walking around time. Here are some of the photos I did manage to take whilst there though...
~ Parc Guell ~ |
With Parc Guell now ticked off the list, our tour guide took us on a long detour around Barcelona before eventually arriving at the Picasso museum. We weren't allowed cameras so I have no photos although I do recommend this museum as it was very interesting to see how his work changes from ordinary paintings to his famous cubist style.
Much to our delight, after a long day of walking, we could finally check into the hostel we were going to stay at. The delight soon faded though as we found out our rooms would be on the 5th floor and the lift just happened to be broken. Five flights of stairs later, I collapsed straight into bed and went to sleep.
~ Our dorm room so happened to be on floor 5 - of course ~ |
Everyone started day two in high spirits after a full night's sleep and it was just our luck that the sun shone all day, allowing us to spend a few hours on the beach. No one had dressed for the occasion though, we were all in jeans - but that didn't stop us enjoying the sea!And the hoodies finally came in useful - as blankets to sit on!
~ Barcelona beach/Chocolate waffle I bought at the beach/Jessie and I on the beach ~ |
Another highlight of day two was the cable car we took from the top of a hill to the beach. The view we got over Barcelona was incredible and the sea looked such a beautiful colour in the sunlight. As the cable car goes over the docks, we also had a view of the top decks of some luxury cruise ships, making us all feel very jealous!
~ Views from the (slightly terrifying) cable car ~ |
Day two was definately my favourite day because as well as the beach, the cable car and the weather, we also visited a palace called Montjuic which was one of the most beautiful and surreal places I've ever been. I remember turning in a circle and everywhere you looked you'd have an incredible view of either the palace, it's gardens or a view over the whole of Barcelona! It was definately one of the best places I have ever been!
~ Montjuic palace ~ |
~ Family photo outside Montjuic - the green hoody gang ~ |
We also had a walk around the gardens which were beautiful and there were many chances for taking arty photos - although arty photos are difficult when you're in a group of over 20 people; someone always gets in the way!
~ Montjuic gardens ~ |
Just down the road from Montjuic was an amazing shopping centre which had been converted from an old bull fighting ring. We took the outdoor glass lift up to the roof then spent ages walking around and taking in the views. For once, the shops weren't my favourite part!
~ The view from the shopping centre roof/Leana, me, Celine and Jessie on the rooftop! ~ |
If only I could speak spanish, I'd be determined to go to Barcelona uni
~ Barcelona university - another beautiful place ~ |
And finally, no beach day is complete without a sunset photo and lots of pretty lights. This was actually taken just as a thunderstorm began, making our half an hour walk back to the hostel a lot more scary!
~ Dusk at Barcelona beach ~ |
Onwards to day three which began with a visit to a secret place that I'm not allowed to tell you about. *Somewhere* in Barcelona are a block of flats which have been built around the remains of an old roman temple. It was one of the most unusual places I've ever been with the contrast of such old and modern buildings. But, if you can find it, definately a place worth visiting!
~ The secret roman temple ruins/Celine, Jessie, myself and Leana ~ |
Day 3 also gave us the oppurtunity to visit La Boqueria market which was a lovely place, but we were distracted by the 'Dunkin' Donuts' next door to it and ended up spending most our money in there instead. There was also a lot of waiting around for entry to museums so I have many photos of us just standing/sitting not doing much.
~ Jessie and me in Dunkin' Donuts/me, Celine and Jessie doing not a lot ~ |
As it was an art trip, day 3 became our hardcore art day where we visited 3 museums in a row. MACBA was my favourite of the three and here's me and Jessie destroying one of Leana's many 'artsy shots'
~ Me and Jessie photobombing in MACBA ~ |
Sad times as we arrive at the final day in Barcelona. The weather also took a turn for the worse, as if preparing us for going back to rainy England in the evening.
One of the artists we'd looked at throughout the trip was Gaudi and on day 4 we had the chance to get very up-close and personal with him as we visited the actual house he designed and lived in around 100 years ago (Casa Battlo). Gaudi's design and architecture is influenced by religion and nature and every single detail in his house resembles this, from the lights to the corridors.
~ The main stairwell (designed to give the sensation of being underwater)/The house from the outside ~ |
After our stop off at Gaudi's house, we visited the Arc De Triomf.
~ Another family photo - in front of the Arc De Triomf ~ |
We then visited a park next to the Arc. I'm not sure of it's name, I just remember it had a very large statue of an elepant and many important looking buildings, as well as a hut which sold my favourite flavour of crisps - always a bonus
~ Me and Leana with our new best friend/Jessie, Leana, me and Celine in the park ~ |
As a farewell to Barcelona, we visited one of the most incredible places on earth - the Sagrada Familia (you must say Sagrada Familia in the voice of the man who announces contestants on the x factor). Quick history lesson - another building designed by Gaudi which began being built in 1882 and has been under continuous construction since then. It's now just over half way being built.
I couldn't believe it had taken so long to build but when you're close up, you can tell why it's taken so long! There are so many small details everywhere and it's incredible looking around. The pictures I took whilst inside don't do the place justice so I haven't included them, however if you're visiting Barcelona anytime soon, this is the place to go!
~ Me, Leana, Celine and Jessie outside Sagrada Familia/Sagrada Familia - still under construction! ~ |
Of course I had to include the four outfits I wore in Barcelona so here they are!
~ Day One: Top - Topshop, Leggings - Topshop, Vans - Office, Necklace - Bijou Bridgette ~
~ Day Two: Top - Urban Outfitters, Jeans - Topshop (Joni), Vans - Office, Necklace - Bijou Bridgette ~
~ Day Three: Top - American Apparel, Shorts - New Look, Converse - Schuh, Necklace - Bijou Bridgette ~
~ Day Four: Top - River Island, Jeans - Topshop (Leigh), Vans - Office, Necklace - Bijou Bridgette ~ |
I also had a recent city break in New York with my aunt and my mum, so let me know if you enjoyed this as I would love to write about my time in New York too! (although it was mostly shopping)
Thanks for reading and comment below if you've been/are going to Barcelona and where your favourite places are! Also, leave links to any of your holiday blog posts as I love reading them and getting inspiration for places to visit next! At the moment, Rome is next on my list for places to go!
Zoe x