Monday, 29 July 2013

What's in my summer handbag

After seeing Zoella and SprinkleOfGlitter's 'Summer Essentials' video about a month ago, it became my main priority in life to track down this neon yellow bag and to buy it! Although it's originally from Zara, they had completely sold out, so I spent days looking for similar ones online and hours walking round town trying to hunt one down. I had no luck until I checked ebay for the 1000000th time that week and the bag was finally on there! Of course, I ordered the bag straight away and have now had it for a few weeks. So before it is completely full of receipts, food wrappers and useless items (like all my other handbags) I thought I'd do a 'what's in my summer handbag.'

~ Bag - Zara (the colour is a lot brighter in real life) ~

It's only a small bag so not much can fit in it (which is good as I normally take half my bedroom with me wherever I go) From left to right, I have a small perfume from Victoria's Secret's PINK - it's my second bottle and I absolutely love the smell! It also seems to last forever, I've had the same bottle since November and sprayed it multiple times a day, yet it's still practically full!
Next, I have my Fiorelli purse which takes up about 90% of the bag! I have so many small purses but I just prefer using one large one that will fit everything in.
Of course, I have my keys in my bag which are attached to a fluffy blue pom pom type thing which speeds up the 'I can't find my keys' process that I seem to go through daily as it means you just have to feel around in your bag for something furry. My keys are also attached to a 'Keep Calm and Love Nathan Sykes' keyring that I got for my birthday because I am slightly (very, extremely, like insanely) in love with Nathan Sykes (from The Wanted)
The only makeup that's always in my bag is my Collection 2000 powder. I keep one at home and one in my bag all the time cause its just a useful item to carry around with you!
I also have some hand sanitizer which I like to keep because you never know when you're gonna need it!
My ipod comes with me almost everywhere, along with some earphones. It's a nano 5th generation that I've had for nearly 4 years now and you probably can't see in the picture but it's completely destroyed - covered in scratches and marks and the camera has fallen off and the click wheel always falls out. But as long as it stills plays music, that's all that matters! Plus, getting a new one and having to sort out itunes and syncing all the music seems like way too much hassle.
As I appear to be in the 1% of human beings who dislike chewing gum, I carry polo mints everywhere instead. It used to be tic tacs but they rattle in your bag and I used to feel very self conscious walking along with a rattling handbag so I've converted to the silent polo mints instead.
I keep a little mirror that has the Eiffel Tower on and says 'Paris' on it, although I actually bought it from Mont St Michel - a little island next to France with a cathedral on top. And when I say little, I mean little - as in an area of less than 1km - so yeah, if you're in France anytime soon...definitely go there! But anyway, I have been to Paris too, so I'm not cheating with the Paris mirror ok!
Next, I have my Oyster card as I go to London a lot and I don't want to lose it so just take it with me everywhere. And lastly, my small makeup bag which I just put whatever makeup I might need to reapply throughout the day in.

So that's everything that I keep in my little summery handbag/satchel type thing - I think it's known as a messenger bag? I'm going to Cyprus next week and will definitely be taking this bag with me. Just as Zoella said in her video, it's so useful having a small bag as it makes you actually think about what you really NEED to take with you and prevents it from being stuffed with useless items!
I hope you've enjoyed reading and please follow me on bloglovin if you've enjoyed this or any of my other posts! Also, let me know in the comments what your essentials are for your summer handbag and leave links to your blogs as I'd love to read them!

Zoe x

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