Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Liebster Award

I was tagged by Lorilee to take part in the Liebster award which is a way of discovering new bloggers and getting to know them by asking them to answer questions. The rules of the Liebster award are as follows:

  • Each nominee should answer the 11 questions by the tagger.
  • Choose 11 bloggers with under 200 followers to pass the award to and link them in your post.
  • Create 11 new questions for the chosen bloggers.
  • Go to their page and tell them about their nomination.
  • No tag backs!
 The questions Lorilee asked me to answer:

1. If you had to choose between a dream job far away or a rubbish job close to your family what would it be?
Although I'm really close to my family, I'd have to choose the dream job far away. I always believe in taking opportunities when you can and I'd hate to look back on my life and wish I'd taken the chance when I had it.

2. Shoes or clothes?
I'm definitely more of a clothes person, although I have recently begun to buy a lot more shoes as well. I'm way more versatile with my clothes whereas with shoes I pretty much live in my vans/converse.

3. Reading blogs or watching YouTube?
 I really enjoy both, although at the moment I'd have to say watching youtube, just cause I love watching vlogs from people such as Marcus Butler, danisnotonfire, Zoella and Kingsley and few more less well known ones such as Nicole Grace and ibethialex. But I always enjoy reading blogs too!

4. If you could live in any country where would it be?
For my whole life I've wanted to live in Australia however now that I'm older I'm starting to see all the cons - too far away from family and my pale skin would not mix well with the sun. So I'm not sure anymore. I'd love to live in Ireland just cause I love irish accents and I'd also love to live in New York as I went there last year and loved it so much!

5. Favourite colour?

6. What is your favourite topic to blog about?
I haven't had my blog long so I'm not really sure yet, I'm still exploring all the things I have to blog about!

7. Nail polish or moisturiser?
These seem like two totally different things, so I'm not sure! I guess nail polish is a lot easier to live without; moisturiser is more of an essential so I'd have to go with moisturiser.

8. What is your favourite season?
Without a doubt, it's summer! I'm a shorts-and-baggy-top type of person and I can only really wear this in summer as I'd freeze to death in the winter/autumn and spring is never really hot where I live!

9. Blog everyday or tweet everyday?
At the moment I tend to blog a few times a week and I've been tweeting every day since I got twitter! I'm on something like my  16,000th tweet but this is only my 8th blog post! I've really enjoyed blogging since I started though so I hope to continue blogging a few times a week!

10. Handbag or rucksack?
Handbag Handbag Handbag! I've always had some weird thing against rucksacks so I've never owned one in my life. I don't know what it is about them, I just really dislike wearing them and I think handbags look a lot nicer anyway.

11.  Films or television?
I do enjoy both but at the moment it's TV as I'm obsessed with reality shows! My all-time favourite programmes are Outnumbered, New Girl and Miranda (which is apparently being made into a film!) And at the moment I'm in the middle of a Made In Chelsea marathon and the new series of Big Brother has begun which I watch daily!
Also, my favourite band - The Wanted - have a new show called The Wanted Life which I have been looking for online for weeks now as its only shown on a Sky channel which I don't have.  Last night however, I finally found a whole episode which I watched and I'll definitely be watching the rest of the series asap!
The blogs I am nominating are:
1.  Abby from One Dollar Milkshake
2. Daisy Alice from I am Daisy Alice
3.  Heather from HeatherESweet 
4.  Michelle from Beauty Life Michelle
5.  Jode from A La Jode
6. Olivia from Olivia's Word
7. Sara from Crime of Fashion
8. Amy from Raving in Denim
9. Melissa from MelissaPCooper
10. Chloe from Skinny Jeans
11. Molly from What Molly Loves
Your part (answer these questions on your blog as well as nominating 11 more blogs)
1) Who is your style icon?
2) Short hair or long hair?

3) Favourite perfume?

4) What colour do you wear the most?

5) French manicure or coloured nails?

6) Favourite magazine?

7) Do you prefer to save money or to spend it straight away?

8) Vans or Converse? (or neither!)

9) How many countries have you been to and what are they?

10) Given £20 what would you buy with it?

11) What are you wearing right now?

I look forward to reading your answers!:)

Zoe x


  1. Hey Zoee thank you so much for tagging me ! I will still answer your questions here cause I appreciate the fact you thought about me ! ♥

    1) Rihanna

    2) I like both, I had very boyish short hair but now I can't wait to have very long hair !

    3) Coco Mademoiselle from Chanel and Jean Paul Gaultier

    4) Black

    5) Coloured ♥

    6) In Ireland I read Comapny Magazine, in France I love Paulette and Glamour

    7) Save. I like to see around, wait and think about what I'm going to get.

    8) I like both even thought I don't have any lol.

    9) Ah ah many ! And I hope many more ! So... Morroco (Where I'm from), Algeria (Where I'm also from), Tunisia, Egypt, Spain, Croatia, all around France, Ireland, Italy, Poland and Mexico. I think I forgot some, I can't remember :)

    10) Makeup, clothes or shoes.

    11) A Nirvana army top and some black leggings !

    Thank you again, you have a lovely blog ♥

    1. Wow, you've been to so many countries, I'd love to be able to travel that much!
      Ah, I've enjoyed reading your answers, so thanks for answering even though you've done the tag before, thanks!:)
      Zoe x

    2. No problem, I'm very happy you tagged me :) For my travelling I had some very good opportunities through my studies and my family living in different countries :) I just edited my blog post linking your blog xx :)

  2. Thankyou so much for nominating me, means alot & ill be sure to answer your questions in my next blog post(:

    1. you're welcome! I look forward to reading your answers:)
